Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day.

This morning I met my three long-time friends, Ginger, Bobbie, and Pamela for breakfast at Denney's. As usual, we had a better-than-enjoyable time together. Our plan is to meet the second Saturday of each month, and for the most part, we do meet each second Saturday. I have taught with them at some point in my life. I was Bobbie's Assistant principal at Ault and Pamela's and Ginger's principal at Lowery and we are very good friends and each others big fans. Such a good time with them. I do love their friendship and the time we dedicate to being with each other.

Then whileI was eating with them I received a call from Matthew inviting me to go out to eat breakfast with him, Ramona, and Karsen. I met them at IHOP for a cup of coffee while they ate their Valentine breakfast. It was Karsen's first time in a IHOP and I got to sit by him and we had a good time.

When I got home, Karsen had bought me some sugar-free Valentine candy and he gave it to me. It was so unexpected and I was thrilled for him to give it to me. BTW, sugar-free is "good eatin", and the way to go for a diabetic...of anyone else for that matter.

Now I am going to attempt to finalize getting my taxes together. I have been working on this since the end of January and I haven't made any progress for the past two weeks. Hopefully, today is the day I will continue to work continually until I have completed the task.

Some friends from church invited me to go out with them last night for dinner at Carrabba's and then to go to their house for dessert and games. I did not go. I intended to go but developed head-ache and called and declined at the last minute. There were going to be nine of us, so I didnt feel that I had ruined the get together. I appreciate them so much for inviting me, but I continue to feel sort of like a lone wolf sometimes. I must get over thinking it is all about me and learn to try to attend events for the benefit of others. Oh well. I will see them tomorrow at church and possibly we can go out tomorrow for lunch.

Life is good.

May God richly bless you, my dear ones. jk

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Well it must be hard to be so popular! Glad you had such a wonderful time with friends and family!! And hope your friends from church weren't too upset with you from the night before...JK JK!!