Saturday, January 10, 2009

Well I met my "2nd Saturday Friends" today for breakfast at Denney's . It was great to see them again for the first time since I left for Newburgh in June. We talked for 5 hours and the wait staff left us alone. It is so great to have freinds when you all care about each other so much. We are all ladies living alone because we were cast aside for other women and we have been through a lot, but we have not only survived, but we are thriving. Two are teachers, one is retired principal (me) and the other is an elementary school librarian. We are good women and do enjoy life and each other. Life is good. We have been through so much with each other. I have known Bobbie for 15 years, and Pamela & Ginger for 12. Lots has happened in our lives in these past years. We have shared it all and been there for each other when each of us thought the worst had happened and we would never exoerience joy or dignity again. We are all content where we are at this time in our lives. God is so good.

Next I went to Lifeway Christian Book store and purchased a chronological study Bible NIV. Sinde hearing the entire Old Testament, I have a strong desire to read it for myself. Hopefully, this desire will result in my reading it.

My nails continue to look ratty. My last manicure was on December 19, and I have needed one since two weeks ago. I am calling this manicure the "corn field" manicure, since I got it in the nation's heartland of farms.

I continue to have such a difficulttime getting around and I do not think I will be able to go to church tomorrow. I am walking with a cane and really should be using a walker. AfterI entered the book store, I had to lean up against the counter before I could walk to view at the books. Then when I got in the car to leave, I was unable to go to Walgreens because my back and hip were hurting me so badly. I am just so big.

Other than that, all is well and I am enjoying being home so very much. I am cleaning out my medicine cabinet in my bathroom, as I mentioned earlier. It is exciting to be orgnizing my home for the first time since I moved in during January, 2001. I really have been a person for so long thatIi have not had the energy to do any cleaning out of just "stuff" that was moved in boxes from the house in Fairfield to this huose And now I am pumped to be organizing and cleaning. It will take some time, I know, but I have lots of time. I am really looking forward to the order that will come.

Hopefully you are all having a great day.

May God richly bless you, my loved ones. jk


vicki said...

Was it NIV or New King Jzmes? Either way, you will enjoy reading it and reading the comments. Hope it won't take long for you to have enough stamina to make those little trips without so much pain. Could some of the pain in your back and hip come from having sat for so long at the restaurant? Hope you will continue to follow the regimen the dr. has set so you will get better and stronger each day. Lylaf

vicki said...
