Friday, September 05, 2008

second post of the is 6:25 p.m. and michael sr. has taken the boys to meet their mother for the week end.....he should be returning soon.,.,.,.,.,.,i left the house today, since michael did not work and he picked the boys up today, and had my nails done and purchased some of those kinoki cleansing detox foot pads and a leather cover for my new Bible that First C hristian Church gave me when i showed up Bible-less at the Bible study last thursday.......they insisted that i take is like the typical looking Church Bible, but its the NIV and i have already written in it.....i didnt realize that i had brought my own Bible until i looked in the glove box of my you may or may not recall, i was listening to the Bible on cd on the drive up here and i had placed my Bible as well as the book of Bible cds in my glove box and had forgotten it....actualy i am glad to have a Newburgh Bible for this Bible study.......also, this must be the evening for taking care of things....i called the yard man , whom i have already paid for services not rendered and told him i wanted him to accomplish one thing every day, beginning tomorrow until this yard was done........he kept saying "Yes, maam, yes, maam" so i think things will happen....believe it or not, i am still concerned if he will do it.....he seemed like such a nice young man and he gave me such a good price, i thought,,,,,actually it was a good price if the work got done, but as it stands now, he got the money for just being a nice young man.....oh well....i'll tell you tomorrow if anything got done....also i have a hair appointment tomorrow at 1 to have my hair trimmed...i am still not getting color because i am afraid it will mess up what my man ,Patrick, has been working to achiee with my hair color for the past two roots are truly unattractive and about an inch and a half long at this time, but what should i care, right? Mathew told me i should start using one dot instead of the six or seven i presently use when i write, and then put two spaces in and begin the next thought with a capital letter.......i told him i wrote like i talk, which is to cover many many topics and the only transition is a breath on my part which the many dots represent......have you noticed that i am doing a better job with my ankles are still sw ollen and i will probably go to bed early so i can prop them up....they do not hurt, they are just huge....Dr. Michael says he doesnt know why they are swollen and if i came to the ER, he would tell me he didnt know why they were swollen and to watch i will watch them, now i am not going to keep my eyes on them 24/7, but i will look at them from time to time to see if any change occurs...this morning i noticed they had gone down quite a bit, however, by the time i had been up about an hour, they were back like they were at their biggest which is where they are now.....try to imagine how attractive they are......lovely , just the way, my main activity tomorrow is to drive the forty or so minutes to Henderson, Kentucky and be able to watch and hear the Blackwood Brothers and the Chuck Wagon Gang perform live and on stage.....i remember listening and loving the Chuck Wagon Gang as a child and i am certain the originals are long departed, but i have heard this new group on yootube and they have the identical i can hardly wait..the tickets are $10 presale and $12 at the door, which i will hae to pay, but i believe it is money well continues to be so to you all...jk


sj said...

Great to get to check up on your life! I have been a bit busy keeping the two youngest V's while the rest are in Benin. This time next week MJ & I will be in DC awaiting the arrival of S&E's #3!

I love reading of your Newberg Adventures!

Give my love to the older & the younger!

vicki said...

Why don't you tell the nice young man that you will knock off two days of the work he owes you if he will go hear the Chuck Wagon gang with you? That ought to scare him in to planting a few bushes...(for Matt)...and then I would have a lawyer write him a little note if you get my drift. And if the ER dr said to me, "I just don't know; watch it," I would have that lawyer write him too. Just saying...(again, for Matt)