Saturday, October 11, 2008

I have arisen for the second time today and now I must get ready to meet the day.
The yard man showed up yesterday evening and "did" the front yard. It actually looks a lot better. He did not stuff the beds with plants so I was sort of disappointed. He did plant three very small bushes that appear to be of the same variety of those really tall bushes that were by Pam and Gail Reese's house that had all of those bag worms. I think these plants will get very large. Of course, the boys can look forward to the bushes getting to be the size that can maintain bagworms. As i recall, the bags were a lot of fun to pull off the tree and squeeze the bag and watch and feel the squshed glob ooze out of the bag. Ah, those were the days. Before tv and all the antimated "bag worm squishing".

The bed by MIchael's window does, in deed, have a darf (my yard man calls it a darf weeping cherry tree. I think he mens a dwarf weeping cherry) weeping cherry. I am really pleased with that. I can see that through the years that this will be a pretty addition to the house. I dont know if i told you the yard man pruned the large weeping cherry in the middle of the front yard and now it is dead as a doornail. It stands now with all of its branches cut off and has the appearance osimilar but not matching those gray metal sculptures. I still like it. It is surrounded by small chrysanthemum plants of varying colors. The darf cherry by the house, is in a small bed also surrounded with burgandy (3) and cherry (2) mum plants. It is really pretty. So, except for the bag worm plants, i am pleased. I had to threaten to get a lawyer on him to get it done. I told him it needed to be done by the end of the day friday, october 10, or he would be speaking to my lawyer (who, by the way, I was willing to hire) for the return of the money i had already paid him. I am pleased that at this point i do not have to hire a lawyer.

I have a 11:15 hair appointment today to get prepared for my wedding activities. My precious hair stylist, i think they call them beauty operators up here in newburgh, has a big job on her hands. The last time the color did not really stick to the gray and so the gray is a bit more prominant and i want it to be red. Oh well, i really do like her. I need to go get presentable and i will post later in the day.

It is a beautiful day again in newburgh. The skies are clear and the windows are open letting in the cool fresh air which mixes with the odor that is eminating from both Zulu and Snowball (honestly it is mostly Zulu's scent) . The dogs are here inside the ouse and they stink greatly so, the definition of "fresh air" is not all it could be. jk

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