Sunday, October 05, 2008

it's 8:10 a.m. and i am on my second cup of gavalia coffee made automatically at 6:45a.m., just as programed last night, on my new gavalia coffee maker and I have given the dogs their heart guard medicine for the month as well as their flea & tick medicine for the month. The lady next door had an overnight visitor and he just left looking showered and ready to great the day. I chose not to yell "hello" to him out my bedroom window. I am really making some improvement with my discernment regarding when to use my over-the-top "friendliness with strangers". Do you think i should have at least offered him a cup of my new gavalia coffee made on my new coffee maker with travel mug and 6 cup carraffe, or do you think i did the right thing? I have to get ready to meet with the saints. i will return. jk

1 comment:

Anony Mouse said...

You did the right thing. I'm sure he was over there watching movies last night and had such a nice time that he felt the need and desire to bring her breakfast and coffee this morning when he arose from his slumber.