Friday, November 14, 2008

The sun came out once today and when I went outside to be with the dogs, it was lovely and so peaceful. Michael's backyard is large and steep after about 15 yards. It slopes down to a "holler" with a little dry creek running through it. He has many trees between him and his neighbor in back. However, with the falling leaves, it is amazing how really close he is to his backyard neighbors. The thick foliage conceals this nearness during the spring and summer months.

Now it is overcast and dreary. The boys are staying with their mother this week end in Evansille. sSe is meeting them at their bus stop by their old house and will keep them for the week end. At this time I do not know when she will deliver them to Newburgh. But you can tell the plans have changed, since I am not meeting her half way to deliver the boys to her and pick them up. I am really glad about this as my feet are continuing to be swollen with little respite after the night. The right ankle never goes all the way down, but the left one will go almost all the way down when I awake in the mornings. Right now, as I sit at the computer, I can feel the tightness increasing in both feet. In a minute I will lie down and elevate them.

I took the boys to school this morning and went to Rawlgreens to pick up a few things before coming home. Tomorrow morning I have a hair appointment at 8 in the morning and I plan to stop by the market to get some meat items.

Michael is working the 6 to 2 shift today. The boys told me that Michael sr. will be working until next tTursday. I havent talked to Michael about this. When he is taking care of the boys I try to stay away fom their interactions and let them have their family time. Consequently, I dont always know what is in the "offing".

I heard the weather man say that Kentucky may have some snow flurries tomorrow. The reason that is significant to me is that Kentucky is just an inch away from Newburgh. I have told you of times when I have taken a wrong turn and ended up in Kentucky. It is funny to be in a state where you can just run into another state while driving around. In Texas that, of course, could never occur.

Not much gong on here. Looking forward to the freedom this week end affords. I feel the need for respite. I am still a bit emotionally fragile. "Fragile" is too strong a word. I am sort of "bent" in the emotional area. Perhaps that is a better word than "fragile".

Have a wonderful time with those whom you call dear. You are dear to me. jk


Anony Mouse said...

Well we can't wait to see you for a couple of days around Thanksgiving, and then Festivus is just around the corner. I have already picked out a pole for Festivus this year. It's going to be great and always remember ...

Festvus is for the rest of us.

vicki said...

Festivus? A pole? Are strippers coming?

You know, since I started working and can't listen to talk radio any more I'm just not up on what's happening like I used to be!